Substance Use & Fentanyl
Local Substance Use Resources
Where to Find a Substance Use Assessment in the Community
Youth Substance Use Resources, Portland Metro
Parent/Caregiver Groups & Support
How to Talk about Substance Use
Tips for Communicating with your Teen
Guide for Parents about Vaping
Guia para Padres sobre Vapear - Español
Marijuana Talk Kit for Parents
Conversacion sobre la Marihuana para Padres - Español
Prescription Drugs
Fentanyl and Overdose Prevention
Talk to your youth and spread the word! Overdose deaths include young people who have not regularly used drugs. Assume any pill not given by a pharmacy or your medical provider is fake and could have a fatal dose of fentanyl or other drug. Pills purchased online are suspect--buying online and through social media allows easy access to unsafe drugs.
Overdose Prevention for Parents/Caregivers - English
Overdose Prevention for Youth - English
Prevención de Sobredosis Juvenil - Para Padres - Español
Prevención de Sobredosis Juvenil - Para Estudiantes - Español
Additional Resources:
Song For Charlie: Real Talk about Fake Pills
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Song For Charlie: Habla Real sobre Pastillas Falsas - Español
Get Support for ANY Substance Use or Behavioral Health Concern:
• Hawthorn Walk-In Center: 5240 NE Elam Young Parkway, Ste. 100, Hillsboro (Hawthorn Farm
Max Stop)
• Washington County 24-hour crisis line: 503-291-9111
• Alcohol & Drug Help Line: 1-800-923-4357
• Washington County substance use disorder treatment and peer services provider list on our website.
• Oregon Youth Line (text or call): 1-877-968-8491
• Text teen2teen to 839863
• Al-Anon/Ala-teen: or 1-800-344-2666
Go to YouTube for video captions in another language.