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Ride Connection: Private, non-profit organization dedicated to linking individuals with accessible transportation, primarily serving people age 60 and older and people with disabilities. Services include information and referral for transportation options, travel training, and support, door-to-door rides for any purpose, and community connector deviated-route service. Service center hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 AM–5:00 PM ✦ (503) 226-0700 ✦

Ride to Care: No fee. Available to those on OHP Health Share of Oregon with no other way to get to their medical, dental, mental health or substance abuse appointment. Call at least two business days before the appointment to schedule a ride. ✦ 8:00 AM–5:00 PM ✦ (503) 416-3955 ✦

TriMet: Riders with qualifying incomes (or participation in an assistance program) are eligible for half-price fares: $1.25 for 2.5 hours. Riders can get the first month free when signing up for Trimet’s reduced fare based on income and will have access to unlimited rides on buses and trains anywhere Trimet goes for $28 a month. Apply online or in person at various locations including Worksource Portland Metro: Tigard at 11950 SW Garden Pl., Suite 100, Tigard, OR 97223 ✦ Monday–Friday 8:00 AM–5:00 PM ✦

LIFT: Trimet Lift is a shared ride service for people who are unable to use regular buses and trains due to a disability or disabling health condition. Service generally available from 3:30 AM–2:30 AM seven days a week ✦ To book a trip, call 503-962-8000, option 1 ✦ Book online ✦ Reservations are taken Monday–Friday 9:00 AM–5 PM and Saturday–Sunday 10:00 AM–5:00 PM