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Mental Health and Counseling

Mental Health and Counseling 

Washington County Mental Health 24-hour Crisis Line: (503) 291-9111

Asian Health and Service Center: Provides culturally and linguistically appropriate services to Asian Americans, including mental health services, health education, and case management, cancer resource center, family caregiver support, senior programs, reproductive health program, Oregon Health Plan and Marketplace application assistance, health navigation and volunteer program. ✦ For Behavioral health support in English: 503-772-5893 ✦ Mandarin: 503-772-5895 ✦ Cantonese: 503-772-5894 ✦ Korean: 503-772-5896 ✦ Vietnamese: 503-772-5897 ✦ For Community programs in English: 503-772-5888 ✦ Cantonese: 503-772-5889 ✦ Mandarin: 503-772-5890 ✦ Korean: 503-772-5891 ✦ Vietnamese: 503-772-5892 ✦ Beaverton office: 3800 SW Cedar Hill Blvd. #196, Beaverton, OR 97005 ✦ (503) 872-8822 ✦

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-988: Free and confidential line available 24/7 ✦ 800-273-8255 ✦ Text “OREGON” to 741741 ✦ 

Hawthorn Walk-In Center: Provides urgent services for mental health and substance use concerns. Call before you go. ✦ Sunday 12:00 PM–4:00 PM and Monday–Friday 9:00 AM–2:00 PM ✦ 5240 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR. 97124 ✦ 503-291-9111 ✦ 

Counseling and Victims Services: Individual, family and couples counseling. No fees. You do not need to be a victim of crime to access counseling services. ✦ 503-846-3020 ✦ 160 SW Washington St. MS 57, Hillsboro, OR. 97123 ✦ 

Rolling Hills Community Church: Offers a variety of support groups and classes for women, veterans, couples, singles and parents. Includes Divorce care group, weekly meetings ($30 for 13 weeks), grief support, and more. ✦ 503-638-5900 ✦ 3550 SW Borland Rd. Tualatin, OR. 97062 ✦ 

Good Samaritan Ministries: Donation based. Offers different types of therapy. Individual, marriage, family, children, trauma recovery, spiritual development and group therapy. Faith based counseling available but not required. ✦ Monday–Thursday 9:00 AM–8:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ✦ 7929 SW Cirrus Dr. Bldg. 23 (off Hall Blvd) Beaverton, OR. 97008 ✦ 503-664-2339 ✦ 

Lewis and Clark College's Community Counseling Center: Community counseling center that provides high quality, low cost mental health services by advanced therapist trainees (under supervision of faculty and licensed clinicians). Offer individual, couples, family, and addiction therapy. ✦ 4445 SW Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR. 97239 ✦ 503-768-6320 ✦ 

Life Works NW: In person and virtual adult, child and family mental health counseling. Children and youth psychiatric day treatment, gambling addiction counseling, early childhood/parent-child intensive therapy and other psychiatric services. OHP and many insurance plans accepted. Spanish speaking counselors are available. ✦ 8770 SW Scoffins St. Tigard, OR. 97223 ✦ 503-645-9010 ✦ 

Morrison Child and Family Services: Accepts OHP. Provide mental health and substance use recovery services. Also offer prevention and education services. Spanish speaking staff are available. ✦ Monday–Friday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ✦ 15455 NW Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 200, Beaverton, OR. 97006 ✦ 503-258-4495 ✦

Sequoia: A non profit organization that provides an array of behavioral health services to children, adults and their families in Washington County. Accepts OHP and other insurance. ✦ Monday–Thursday 9:00 AM–7:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ✦ 4585 SW 185th Aloha, OR, 97078 ✦ 503-591-9280 ✦ 

TAYIS (Transition Age Youth Intensive Services): Program of Lifeworks. Mental health treatment and skill building for transition age youth at no cost regardless of insurance. ✦ 503-619-9007 ✦

Puentes/Esperanza Juvenil: Works with Latino adults to provide appropriate mental health and substance use disorder services. Also work with Latino youth (ages 14-21) who are struggling with alcohol and/or substance use. Bilingual team provides addiction treatment, individual and family counseling, in-home family support and education. ✦ 12672 SE Stark St. Portland, OR. 97233 ✦ Monday–Friday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ✦ 503-546-9975 ✦