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LGBTQIA2S+ Services

Asian Pacific Island Pride: Non-profit organization that serves LGBTQ API communities in greater Portland and provides safe and supportive environments to celebrate, educate and bring communities together. ✦ apipride@gmail.com

Homeplate Youth Services: For youth ages 12–24 experiencing housing instability or in need of extra support to achieve self-defined success. To-go meals and access to necessary resources like hygiene supplies and clothes closet. ✦ outreach@homeplateyouth.org ✦ Community Line (503) 608-7252 ✦ Youth Line (503) 567-6591 ✦ Beaverton Drop-In: 12685 SW 4th St. Beaverton, OR 97005 ✦ Hillsboro Drop-In: 494 E Main St, Hillsboro, OR 97123

Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA): A multi-service agency that provides a wide range of services and supports for Native American children, youth, adults and families, including Two-Spirit and LGBTQ support groups and events. ✦

Oregon LGBTQ Youth & Family Resources: This website is a collaboration between Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN) and the Family Acceptance Project to increase family support for LGBTQ children and youth in Oregon to decrease health and mental health risks and to promote well-being. The website includes selected resources that provide services and support to reduce mental health risks and promote well-being for LGBTQ young people. ✦ (503)-368-8068 ✦ info@ofsn.net

PDX Latinx Pride: Pride events in Portland for the Latinx LGBTQ community, families and allies. Central facebook page provides a space to connect throughout the year. ✦

Portland Two-Spirit Society: P2SS is a social, cultural, educational, resource group for the LGBTIQ Native American/Alaskan Natives and their families; to come together and share, connect, reclaim, and restore culture and community. ✦ 

Sankofa Collective Northwest: Sankofa provides support, education and advocacy for Black families, friends and LGBTQ people through monthly support groups, faith outreach, mini-grants and an annual Portland Black Pride celebration. ✦

Utopia PDX–United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance Portland: Portland chapter of a nonprofit organization by and for queer and trans Pacific Islanders that provides support, community organizing, political engagement, and cultural stewardship. ✦ or