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Housing and Shelters

Housing & Shelters

Community Connect Coordinated Entry System: Community Connect is a coordinated entry system that helps people experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness find community resources in Washington County. 

  • People who want help with community resources, including possible housing options, can call Community Connect at 503-640-3263 or email to discuss their situation and find out if help is available. 

  • If you are sent to voicemail, please leave a message with your name and phone number to receive a call back. Our staff will schedule a one-hour assessment appointment with clients to determine the community resources and programs that might best support the needs of their households. 

  • The Community Connect appointment is not a guarantee of housing or a financial appointment. If a client is eligible, referrals will be made to partner agencies based on the need assessment and available housing beds/units.

You must complete a Community Connect Assessment in order to be referred to a shelter or to be placed on a shelter waitlist. This is Step 1 if you are currently homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

For assistance, call Community Connect at 503-640-3263 or email


Community Action Multi-Service Centers

Staff can complete a Community Connect Phase 1 Assessment on-site. Please call ahead to ensure staff are there.

Tigard Multi-Service Center
11515 SW Durham Rd. Ste. E8, Tigard, OR 97224
Monday–Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Beaverton Multi-Service Center
5050 SW Griffith Dr., Suite 100, Beaverton, OR 97005
Monday–Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Hillsboro Multi-Service Center
1001 SW Baseline St, Hillsboro, OR 97123
Monday–Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

For Families with Children

Family Promise of Tualatin Valley: FPTV offers short-term emergency shelter, food, case management, and housing navigation services. ✦ 11460 Pacific Hwy W, Tigard, OR 97223 ✦ (503) 427-2768 ✦ ✦ 

Good Neighbor Center: Provides a safe environment and needed resources while assisting families experiencing housing insecurity in finding permanent housing and stability. Services include family shelter wait list, shelter resident support, housing stabilization program, and rapid rehousing. ✦ 11130 SW Greenburg Rd, Tigard, OR 97223 ✦ (503) 443-6084

Youth Only

Homeplate Youth Services: For youth ages 12–24 experiencing housing instability or in need of extra support to achieve self-defined success. To-go meals and access to necessary resources like hygiene supplies and clothes closet. ✦ outreach@homeplateyouth.org ✦ Community Line (503) 608-7252 ✦ Youth Line (503) 567-6591 ✦ Beaverton Drop-In: 12685 SW 4th St. Beaverton, OR 97005 ✦ Hillsboro Drop-In: 494 E Main St, Hillsboro, OR 97123 

Safe Place (Boys & Girls Aid): Safe Place shelter in Washington County is a 24/7 drop-in program where youth can access essential services while longer-term housing is found. Services include: emergency shelter for youth ages 12 through 20; 24/7 access and hours of operation; basic needs, educational support, and help finding stability; self-referrals and walk-ins are welcome; referrals can also be made by families, community members, law enforcement, and providers. ✦ 454 SE Washington St. Hillsboro, OR 97123 ✦ Drop-in hours: Every Day 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 4:00 PM–8:00 PM ✦ ✦ (503) 542-2717 or (503) 542-2389

Adults Only

Just Compassion: Programs and services include shelters, case management, rapid re-housing, safe parking, street outreach, and others. ✦ info@justcompassionewc.com ✦ Tigard: 12280 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223. 503-624-4666 ✦ Beaverton: 12350 SW 5th St, Beaverton, OR 97005. 503-367-3498. 

Safe Parking

Just Compassion Safe Parking Program: Our safe parking program offers individuals or families a safe and legal place to park their vehicle, while also providing access to sanitation services and consultations with case managers. ✦ safeparking@justcompassionewc.com ✦ (503) 624-4666 ✦ 

Beaverton Information: 

Tigard Information (coming soon):