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Kindergarten Connect

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Getting off to a great start with Kindergarten Connect!

What is Kindergarten Connect?

Kindergarten Connect is a one-hour conference for kindergarten students, their parents, and kindergarten teacher. It provides extended time for parents and their students to meet individually with their kindergarten teacher to begin getting to know each other and start building this important relationship between families and the school. Here’s what to expect:

  • Each teacher will share information about the kindergarten program and provide materials that parents can use to support their child’s
  • Parents will be able to share student strengths and areas to strengthen, tour the classroom and school, meet key school staff, and see the daily schedule.
  • During this time, students will take the statewide Kindergarten Readiness Assessment and complete a quick check of their early literacy This information will help prepare teachers to meet student needs starting the very first day of school.

•    When does Kindergarten Connect occur?

To provide time for all of these individual conferences, the start of school for kindergartners will be different than for the rest of the students in Grades 1-5. Kindergarten Connect conferences will take place during the first week of school, so kindergarten students will not attend the first week of school.

 The first week of school, kindergarten Teachers will be contacting you before school starts to schedule your kindergarten connect appointment for you and your child.