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Science Elementary

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Interactive and hands-on learning plays an essential part in understanding science. At TTSD, we blend Interactive and hands-on investigations with literacy-rich activities, and digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers. Science education engages students in a relevant, real-world problem where they investigate scientific phenomena, engage in collaboration and discussion, and develop models or explanations in order to arrive at solutions. Students engage with science and engineering practices, figure out disciplinary core ideas, and utilize and apply crosscutting concepts in multiple modalities across thoughtful, structured lessons, all centered around engaging anchor phenomena.

Instructional Resource(s)

 K-5th Grade - Twig Science

Scope & Sequence

Standards by Grade Level

Curriculum Documents

Contact Us:

Picture of Elise Cohen
Elise Cohen
Science TOSA

(503) 431-4114