Talented And Gifted
TAG Philosophy
The Tigard-Tualatin School District is committed to educational services that recognize the unique value, needs, and talents of TAG students. Recognizing the diversity of the students we serve, we believe that giftedness is not defined by race, gender, or language. Central to this commitment is evidence-based instruction that is designed to meet the needs of academically talented and intellectually gifted students.
Gifted students.....
- are individuals with unique patterns of abilities and interests.
- benefit from spending time with peers with similar abilities and interests.
- must be provided instruction in core curriculum at their level and rate of learning.
- may need support and guidance to address their unique, academic, social, and emotional needs.
TAG Identification
- How do I know if my child might qualify for TAG services? What are some of the characteristics of giftedness?
- I know a student who might qualify for TAG services. What should I do next?
- How does a student qualify for TAG services?
- How long does the TAG identification process take?
- When will my child begin receiving TAG services after being identified?
- In which grades can students be referred for TAG services?
- How will my child benefit from a TAG identification? What is the point?
- My child is receiving special education or academic intervention services. Can they also be eligible for TAG services?
- Can a student be eligible for TAG services if they don’t have good grades or high test scores?
- How can I learn more about why my student was identified for TAG services?
- My child was identified as gifted in another district. Will this transfer to TTSD?
- Can my TAG student get their identification reevaluated/reviewed? How?
- What can I do if I disagree with the result of the TAG identification process?
- What assessments are used to determine TAG eligibility and why?
- Can my child take an assessment for TAG eligibility any time?
- How do I talk to my child about the tests?
How do I know if my child might qualify for TAG services? What are some of the characteristics of giftedness?
I know a student who might qualify for TAG services. What should I do next?
How does a student qualify for TAG services?
How long does the TAG identification process take?
When will my child begin receiving TAG services after being identified?
In which grades can students be referred for TAG services?
How will my child benefit from a TAG identification? What is the point?
My child is receiving special education or academic intervention services. Can they also be eligible for TAG services?
Can a student be eligible for TAG services if they don’t have good grades or high test scores?
How can I learn more about why my student was identified for TAG services?
My child was identified as gifted in another district. Will this transfer to TTSD?
Can my TAG student get their identification reevaluated/reviewed? How?
What can I do if I disagree with the result of the TAG identification process?
What assessments are used to determine TAG eligibility and why?
Can my child take an assessment for TAG eligibility any time?
How do I talk to my child about the tests?
2023-24 TTSD TAG Service Plan
Our focus as a district is to meet the needs of our TAG students, families, and teachers by implementing the following three phases of our TAG Service Plan in the 2023-24 school year.
Tigard-Tualatin School District
TAG Service Plan Overview
Phase 1: Building Partnerships
- Teachers learn about TAG students’ areas of eligibility and suggested services
- TAG Family/Student Feedback collected and shared with teachers
- TAG services are communicated by teachers in Team TAG Plan or High School TAG Instructional Plan
Phase 2: Planning for Student Success
- TAG services planned and provided by classroom teachers through differentiation for assessed rate and level
- Teachers are prepared to discuss and gather feedback on differentiated instructional opportunities
Phase 3: Continuing Development and Reflection
- Ongoing professional development opportunities offered to teachers
- Collection of perspective from TAG students, families, and staff used to create the following year’s TAG Services Plan
TAG Services
- What are the rights of TAG students? What services do TAG students receive?
- My student is not challenged in their classes. Would a TAG referral help?
- My TAG student is not challenged in their classes. How do we fix this?
- Do Virtual Academy students still receive TAG services?
- How do my child’s TAG services connect to other special services?
- Why is my TAG child no longer pulled out for enrichment at their elementary school?
- How do I know if my child is being taught at their assessed rate and level?
- Does a TAG identification ensure my child will be placed in advanced courses?
What are the rights of TAG students? What services do TAG students receive?
My student is not challenged in their classes. Would a TAG referral help?
My TAG student is not challenged in their classes. How do we fix this?
Do Virtual Academy students still receive TAG services?
How do my child’s TAG services connect to other special services?
Why is my TAG child no longer pulled out for enrichment at their elementary school?
How do I know if my child is being taught at their assessed rate and level?
Does a TAG identification ensure my child will be placed in advanced courses?
Other Frequently Asked Questions
- Are TAG services accessible to all students in an equitable way?
- Who is in charge of TAG at my child’s school? What is their role?
- How can I help my TAG student who struggles with academics?
- Where can parents learn more about giftedness?
- How can parents get involved with TAG services?
Are TAG services accessible to all students in an equitable way?
Who is in charge of TAG at my child’s school? What is their role?
How can I help my TAG student who struggles with academics?
Where can parents learn more about giftedness?
How can parents get involved with TAG services?
Talented & Gifted Education Plan 2023-2026
Appeal to the Oregon Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction
TAG Presentations/Meetings
October 2, 2024 TAG Community Night - English
October 2, 2024 TAG Community Night - Spanish
March 12, 2024 TAG Community Night - English
November 14, 2023: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - English
November 14, 2023: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - Spanish
October 25, 2021: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - English
April 22, 2021: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - English
April 22, 2021: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - Spanish
February 2, 2021: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - English
February 2, 2021: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - Spanish
September 10, 2020: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - English
September 10, 2020: Community Night for Parents of TAG Students - Spanish
Educational Excellence Advisory Team (EEAT)
Prior meeting information is available upon request. Please contact Alison Heath at aheath@ttsd.k12.or.us
School |
TAG Building Leaders |
Contact Information |
Fowler Middle School |
Stevie Drake |
sdrake@ttsd.k12.or.us |
Hazelbrook Middle School |
Emily Anderson |
eanderson@ttsd.k12.or.us |
Twality Middle School |
Gwen Stover |
gstover@ttsd.k12.or.us |
Tigard High School |
Melissa Baran |
mbaran@ttsd.k12.or.us |
Tualatin High School |
Brooke Mayo |
bmayo@ttsd.k12.or.us |
TTVA Middle & High School |
Jenifer DeWolf |
jdewolfe@ttsd.k12.or.us |
Creekside Community High School | Russ Romas | rromas@ttsd.k12.or.us |
Contact Us:
Alison Heath
Secondary TAG / K-12 Health / K-12 Social Sciences TOSA
Karen Hughart
Elementary TAG Specialist
khughart@ttsd.k12.or.us or
Melissa Juskowiak
Elementary TAG Specialist
mjuskowiak@ttsd.k12.or.us or
Laura Kintz
PK-5 Director of Teaching & Learning
TTSD TAG Coordinator