Title IIA
Title IIA: Supporting Effective Instruction
Professional Development and Teacher Quality
Title IIA funding is allocated by the Oregon Department of Education to districts for supporting effective instruction through professional development and teacher, paraprofessional, and administrator quality.
Within the school environment, teachers and administrators have the most impact in creating equity and excellence for each and every student. Our district maintains documentation of the content and staff participation in professional learning and identifies, collects, and analyzes data related to the impact of professional learning on educator practice and student outcomes. Our system for professional growth and improvement provides educators with regular opportunities for reflection and feedback. Our practices for recruitment and retention support educators across the career continuum from induction through teacher leadership. Professional learning in TTSD is high-quality, job-embedded, sustained, and classroom-focused.
For an overview of Title IIA goals and requirements, visit the Oregon Department of Education’s site.
Laura Kintz
PK-5 Director of Teaching & Learning
Ph: 503-431-4139