Professional Development
Professional Development Calendar
TTSD Professional Development Model Overview
Professional Development for TTSD teachers is a vital component of the work that the Teaching and Learning Department supports through planning, facilitating, guiding and organizing.
Three important shifts in providing professional development and support for teachers includes three high leverage strategies/resources and models that will continue to be developed to impact teacher instructional skill sets and student outcomes.
Instructional Coaches
Job Embedded Professional Development at each TTSD school
Lab Classrooms
Peer Observations cycles in Teacher Leader classrooms
Collaborative Co-Teaching
Program model for serving our district’s secondary students with IEPs, and for our elementary and secondary multilingual learners.
TTSD Instructional Coaching Model: Overview
- TTSD Instructional Coaching Model: Overview
- Job-embedded Personalized Professional Learning (Coaching)
- District Level Professional Development
- Building Instructional Leadership Team
TTSD Instructional Coaching Model: Overview
Job-embedded Personalized Professional Learning (Coaching)
District Level Professional Development
Building Instructional Leadership Team
TTSD Lab Classroom/Peer Observation Model: Overview
TTSD Collaborative Co-Teaching Model: Overview Co-Planning
- TTSD Collaborative Co-Teaching Model: Overview Co-Planning
- TTSD Collaborative Co-Teaching Model: Overview Co-Teaching
- TTSD Collaborative Co-Teaching Model: Overview Co-Assessment