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9th Grade Career Exploration

Career Exploration Options for Ninth Graders at Tualatin High

The Tigard-Tualatin School District takes pride in ensuring that all students have equitable opportunities to enter into any career field they choose. This important choice should be a thoroughly evaluated and guided decision. The intent of these career exploration courses is to provide students with a variety of meaningful experiences to ignite passions and inspire further aspiration.

"Ninth grade students at Tualatin High School will rotate through nine-week long career classes designed to help students match their skills and interest with career choices. Classes are offered in ten career-learning areas."

  • Business  - business basics
  • Construction - design and build
  • Digital Arts - animation nation
  • Engineering - engineering design
  • Leadership - character, and leadership
  • Medical Careers - Health Occupations
  • Technology - Exploring Computer Science
  • Theatre - story slam

Project-Based - Classes are hands-on and use experiential learning through the completion of community-centered projects.

Skill Focused -  Students will gain transferable skills applicable to any career they choose.

Productive - Classes give an introduction to career areas that students can choose to explore deeper in subsequent high school years. Finding a career path during these years will help save time and money in achieving future education goals.

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