Contracts & Agreements
Contracting Process for Tigard-Tualatin School District
For the purposes of this document, a contractor is anyone age 16 and older engaged to provide goods or services to or at TTSD through any formal or informal agreement, whether compensated or uncompensated.
An approved District contract signed by either the CFO or Superintendent is required for any event, situation, or service being provided by a contractor. (This includes individuals providing a small service, for example $60 for a tuba demonstration.) See footnote for exception. Contracts are to be submitted to the Business Office prior to service or event taking place and work may not begin until after the contract has been signed by the CFO or Superintendent. Any legally binding documents requiring a signature must be signed by the Superintendent or CFO, even when using a contractor from the Activity Approved Vendor List; any other persons that sign is placing themselves as personally liable. Please note that payment cannot be made to a vendor unless there is an approved contract, including when payment is coming from ASB, PSO, PTA or Booster Club funds.
ASB funds cannot be used to directly pay contractors for services, payment must route through Purchasing in Infinite Visions.
*Please work with your school/department bookkeeper on process and submission.
TTSD Professional/Personal Services Contract - this contract template is a fillable form and should be used for any/all services being provided, even if payment might not be involved ($0 contract). Occasionally, using the contractor’s agreement or a tailor written Memorandum of Understanding might be appropriate, contact the Business Office to discuss. If the contract will be $25,000 or above, please contact District Purchasing for additional requirements ( or 503-431-4035). If the contract involves changes to District buildings or property, including but not limited to painting, equipment, landscaping, etc., an approved Operations Project Application is required prior to contracting. The District may take into consideration future operating costs and responsibilities in deciding whether or not to approve the project.
- Complete Contract. All contracts should 1st have administrator support & approval. Please fill out the contract template to the best of your knowledge, then send to the contractor to review, edit, complete and sign. If the contractor has contract questions that you are unable to answer, or wants to propose changes to the contract language, please contact the Business Office for assistance ( or 503-431-4076).
- Submission to Business Office. Once the contractor has returned the signed contract and certificate of insurance to you, please review with the bookkeeper that all information looks accurate and is complete. Incomplete contracts cannot be approved and will be returned. The bookkeeper will forward all of the documents to the Business Office for analysis. If complete, the contract & insurance will be presented to Jessica Seay, CFO for final review, approval, and signature. A copy of the fully executed contract will then be emailed back to the bookkeeper (please be sure to return a copy to the vendor).
Contract Instructions - step by step
If using one of the contractors from the current year’s “Activity Approved Vendors List”, there is already a contract on file for the year and an additional agreement is not necessary, unless the vendor is asking for something such as a confirmation to be signed.
Contractors/volunteers (engaged to provide services to the District through any formal or informal agreement, whether compensated or uncompensated), in both direct & indirect student contact situations are required to complete a Contractor Background Check Application which includes a criminal history records check & ODE verification. (Required with every contract.) Additionally, those that will have the opportunity for direct, unsupervised contact with students require a one-time ODE fingerprint check.
Direct or indirect contact with students or children, taken together, includes essentially all situations where a person is in the school building, school bus, or on school grounds when students or children are or may be present.
- Direct contact with students or children includes in-person activities where the person is interacting directly with the students or children, e.g. teaching or driving a school bus.
- Indirect contact includes activities where work is carried out in the building or area while students or children are or could be present.
- Individuals making deliveries are not subject to this rule (ex: Fedex).
**Important reminder - any projects/work to District buildings or grounds first require an approved Operations Project Application. This includes items such as murals, built-ins, fencing, outside equipment, etc....
TTSD Contract Template
- All services require a contract.
- All services require certificate of insurance.
- Contact District Purchasing for goods & services over $25,000.
- All contracts must be submitted to the District Business Office for final review & CFO approval/signature.
Price Agreement Good & Services
Contract Instructions - step by step
Sample Certificate of Insurance
Blank Form W-9 (please do not email private protected information)
Contracts, Insurance & general questions: 503-431-4076
Procurement & Purchasing: 503-431-4035,