May 2025 Bond
The Road Ahead
To meet students’ academic needs and protect taxpayer-funded facilities, the Tigard-Tualatin School Board voted in December 2024 to place a $421.3 million bond resolution on the May 20, 2025, ballot. The resolution calls for replacing outdated Fowler Middle School and substantially renovating four elementary schools most in need of modernizing: Bridgeport, Byrom, Durham and Mary Woodward. It would also:
- Modernize aging and inefficient heating and cooling systems
- Upgrade security and fire systems
- Provide modern technology and updated curriculum
- Address critical repair needs including unsafe or compromised plumbing systems, siding, roofing and wiring
- Update lighting, sound and and safety equipment for auditoriums at both high schools
- Improve recreational opportunities by constructing accessible playgrounds and replacing aging turf and field lighting and upgrading drainage and irrigation on sports fields
How We Got Here
In the November 2016 General Election, TTSD voters passed the district's $291.3 million bond measure by a 60% margin.
Funding paid for a variety of projects recommended by a committee of parents and staff and adopted by the School Board, including:
- Rebuilding three of the District's oldest schools – Templeton Elementary, Twality Middle School, and the oldest portions of Tigard High
- Building the brand-new Art Rutkin Elementary
- Adding classrooms to Tigard High and Tualatin High, including areas for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
- Making safety and security improvements district-wide
- Completing scheduled facility repairs such as roof replacements and heating, cooling and ventilation upgrades
- Purchasing new and replacement technology, textbooks and digital curriculum