2022-2027 Strategic Plan
2022-2027 Board Approved Strategic Plan
Centering Equity
We provide equitable educational opportunities and a school experience that is validating, empowering, and just for every student.
At Tigard-Tualatin School District, we educate every child, everyday. We acknowledge that accelerating outcomes for every student, especially our historically underserved communities, requires the understanding of the barriers that are present for students and families and working with all the key collaborators in our system to actively address and support equity of outcomes for all students.
Following an extensive community process involving students, staff, parents and the community, the 2016-2021 Strategic Plan themes, Student Achievement, Talent, Climate and Culture were affirmed with the recommendation that Equity, as articulated in Board Policy ACC (Appendix B), be centered to inform and guide the other three themes as presented in Table 1:
Policy ACC Action | Strategic Plan Theme |
Equitable access to high-quality, well rounded education | Student Achievement |
Equitable allocation of resources | Student Achievement, Talent, Safety, Climate and Culture |
Empowering student, family and community voice | Student Achievement, Talent, Safety, Climate and Culture |
Workforce Diversification | Talent |
High-quality professional development | Talent |
Cultural Competency | Student Achievement, Talent, Safety, Climate and Culture |
Accountability | Student Achievement, Talent, Safety, Climate and Culture |
Centering TTSD Operational Values
The Tigard-Tualatin school district will conduct business in a manner that communicates the core operational values of:
Equitable allocation of resources supported by the Strategic Financial Plan 2022-2027
Fiscal transparency
Maintaining the public’s trust
Effective and efficient operations
Clean and safe facilities
Therefore, at TTSD, we provide equitable educational opportunities and a school experience that is validating, empowering and just for every student.
#1 Student Achievement
We prepare our increasingly diverse student body to be life-ready and fully prepared to successfully navigate a culturally rich society and global economy.
Long-Term Objective: Every student is academically successful and graduates ready to transition to their chosen next step after high school graduation. All students are thriving in our rigorous academic community and persistent achievement gaps are eliminated.
Strategy 1.1 Instructional Practices: Continued implementation of culturally responsive Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) instructional framework and professional development ensuring academic instructional rigor and course relevance to meet career and college readiness standards.
- District Plan of Action
Implement, monitor and adjust culturally responsive Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) to ensure every student is learning at their rate and level.
- Priority populations with performance gaps in English language arts and Math K-12
Native Hawaiian/PacIslander students
Hispanic students
American Indian/Native students
Black/African American students
Multi Language Learner students
Students Accessing Special Education Services
Economically disadvantaged students
Extend learning by providing differentiated depth of knowledge in English language arts, Math, and core content for every on grade level learner K-12
Review TAG identification process to ensure accurate identification of TAG learners across all student populations served in the district.
Extend learning by providing differentiated depth of knowledge in English language arts, math, and core content for every TAG and advanced student learner.
- Professional Development
Instructional Coaches - Provide Job Embedded daily/weekly/monthly
Lab Classrooms - Peer Observation Cycles with Teacher Leaders hosting
- Co-Teaching - Inclusive practices via intentional teaching partnerships
ElevatED - Language Rich Classroom; supporting Multilingual students
LETRS - Science of Reading (cohorts of 40 teachers and literacy spec.)
Administrators will receive professional development from the Center for Educational Leadership (CEL) to help leaders create equitable student experiences and outcomes. PD will focus on key concepts of instructional leadership along with key practices, including observation and analysis, to help strengthen the connections between understanding how students experience instruction and equity.
- Professional Development
Implementation Evidence
Observational Data
SBAC Math and Reading Assessment Data
K-8 iReady Math and Reading Assessment Data
Secondary Credit Attainment
9th Grade On Track Rates
Annual High School Graduation/Completer Rates
Student Attendance K-12
Student Discipline K-12
Annual Start Strong Student Survey/State Student Health Survey Start Strong Survey data can be triangulated with course completion /student attendance data.
- District Strategic Financial Plan 2022-2027 - allocation of resources to support targeted instruction and assessment.
- Extracurricular and/or athletic student participation with an intentional focus on historically underrepresented students
- 2027 Outcomes (Appendix C)
- Oregon State Assessment System (OSAS): aspirational goal developed to reach 4 in 5 students meeting grade level expectations.
- I-Ready: growth and gap closure goals that align with the continuous improvement plans.
- Attendance: aspirational goal to meet 80% of students attending school regularly. This goal exceeds the average growth of the top growing districts in the state pre-pandemic (1.2%).
- Office Discipline Referrals: no more than a 5% difference between underserved and overall student population.
Strategy 1.2 Mental and Social Emotional Health: The district will continue the implementation of the comprehensive Mental and Social Emotional Health plan, empowering student voice and providing mental and emotional health support and resources for students and families.
- District Plan of Action
- Implement Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs at elementary, middle and high school levels as part of the core, Tier I programs.
Strengthen implementation of PAX Behavior Game in all elementary schools.
Develop an Integrated Systems Framework to integrate mental health plans to align with the MTSS/PBIS systems in our schools. This is accomplished through the inclusion of a broader range of partners, a wider scope of data, and the expansion of interventions to address internalizing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and trauma.
Develop evidenced based interventions for substance use and align with county programs and services, using a mental health perspective.
Continue to strengthen the Suicide Prevention Plan by training staff and students on recognizing warning signs and taking action, using Signs of Suicide Prevention Program.
- Continue funding advocacy at the state and federal levels to expand school based mental health professional training programs and support the district in its effort to continue the expansion of student access to the district mental health professional system.
Implementation Evidence
- Observational Data
- Start Strong Student Survey/State Student Health Survey
Empathy Listening/Affinity Group qualitative data
Staff Survey
Student Attendance
- Student Discipline
High School Graduation Rates
- 9th Grade On Track Rates
Middle and Secondary Course Completion
- iReady ELA/MATH
- Observational Data
- 2027 Outcomes
- Proportionate Discipline Referrals: office discipline referrals for all populations will not exceed 5% of the overall population.
Student Health Survey
- The percent of students who answer “More than half the days” or “every day” to feeling anxious in the past 30 days will decrease to 10% for 8th and 20% for 11th grade.
- The percent of students who answer “yes” to having symptoms of depression will decrease to 10% for 6th and 8th grade and 20% for 11th grade.
Hate Speech: The district will develop new protocols/processes for defining and tracking hate speech during the 2022-23 school year, collect baseline data during the 2023-24 school year, and develop goals to begin during the 2024-25 school year.
Strategy 1.3 College and Career Success: Annually review and revise current College and Career Plan for blending academic, social and interpersonal skills needed for college and career success.
- District Plan of Action
- Implement, monitor and adjust culturally responsive Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) to ensure every student graduates.
Priority populations
- Native Hawaiian/PacIslander students
Hispanic students
American Indian/Native students
Black/African American students
- Multi Language Learner students
Students Accessing Special Education Services
- Economically disadvantaged
- Priority focus on diversification of student population accessing dual credit and International Baccalaureate courses.
Native Hawaiian/PacIslander students
Hispanic students
American Indian/Native students
- Black/African American students
Multi Language Learner students
Students Accessing Special Education Services
Economically disadvantaged
Priority focus on diversification of student population accessing career technical education
- Native Hawaiian/PacIslander students
- Hispanic students
- American Indian/Native students
- Black/African American students
- Multi Language Learner students
- Students Accessing Special Education Services
- Economically disadvantaged
- Increase diversity of student population participation in extracurricular activities by addressing barriers to participation
- Expansion of business community engagement through development of on site #WorkReady opportunities aligned to career technical education courses
Professional Development
- Teachers
- Administrators
Implementation Evidence
- Observational Data
- High School Graduation Rates
- 9th Grade On Track Rates
- Student Social-Emotional Health Survey
- Middle and Secondary Course Completion
- Student Attendance
- Observational Data
- 2027 Outcomes
- 9th-Grade-On-Track: goal to reach 95% based on exceeding previous overall trend and closing gaps.
- High School Credit Attainment: the goal to reach 95% is based on both the 9th grade on-track goal and past performance by 10th-12th grade.
- 4-Year Grad Rate: goal to reach 95% based on exceeding previous overall trend and closing gaps.
- 5-Year Completer Rate: goal to reach 95% based on exceeding previous overall trend and closing gaps.
- Well-Rounded Education: goal to reach 95% based on exceeding previous overall trend and closing gaps in participation.
# 2 Talent
We hire, develop, support, and retain racially, linguistically and culturally diverse student-centered employees.
Long Term Objective: As a result of TTSD’s implementation of Board Policy ACC Educational Equity and Racial Justice, culturally, racially and linguistically diverse staff will continue to be attracted to the district that reflect the diverse cultural, racial and linguistic identities of the student body; are developed to be culturally responsive leaders with a strong understanding of students’ social and emotional needs; are supported and mentored in their professional development; and are retained, as they are celebrated through a strong sense of belonging.
Strategy 2.1 Workforce Diversification: The district will grow and retain a diverse workforce that reflects our student body.
- District Plan of Action:
Partnership with local universities teacher preparation programs
Grow our own program for classified staff and high school students
Local and regional job fairs
- Development of recruitment plan for outside the state of Oregon
Microaggression and unconscious bias training for all staff
Upbeat culture action plans by building
- Staff affinity spaces
- Implementation Evidence
- Observational Data
District educator equity report
Upbeat annual survey
Empathy interviews
- Stay & Exit surveys
- Observational Data
2027 Outcomes
TTSD will diversify the workforce from 23% to 38% and will diversify their licensed teaching staff from 14% to 24% over the next five years with a focus on racially, culturally and/or linguistically diverse staff.
Strategy 2.2 Systematic Instructional Staff Training and Support: In support of the instructional professional development provided by TTSD Teaching & Learning, TTSD Human Resources will build a supportive environment in which new educators develop excellence in teaching, student achievement and increase their likelihood of retention.
- District Plan of Action
Revise our mentorship program to align all of our support systems for probationary teachers new to the profession
- Train new mentors
Partnership with Teaching and Learning around instructional coach support with a focus on “trauma informed” instruction and strategies for strengthening partnerships with parents.
- Partner with administrators on their institutional and PLC supports for new educators
- Implementation Evidence
Observational Data
Annual mentoring survey of probationary teacher in year one and two
- Exit & Stay survey data
- District retention data
2027 Outcomes
- TTSD's retention rate for teaching five or more years in the district will move from 55% to 80% and for our probationary teachers, from 65% to 85% in five years time.
- 85% of our probationary 1 and 2 teachers will report on a district mentoring survey being satisfied or highly satisfied with support from their mentorship program.
Strategy 2.3 Staff Wellness: The district continues to implement a comprehensive staff wellness program.
- District Plan of Action
Continue implementation of the district wellness programming at each building
Develop a district wellness committee
Develop a tiered staff wellness program to mitigate secondary trauma stress
- Transition grant funding to sustainable district funding
- Implementation Evidence
- Observational Data
- Upbeat Staff Survey Questions 49 and 51 specific to teacher emotional wellness
- Upbeat Question(s) focused to teacher recognition
- School level staff wellness surveys
- Observational Data
- 2027 Outcomes
- The percent of teachers who report being supported by their school community will increase to 75%
- The percent of teachers who report they are able to successfully manage stress will increase to 75%
# 3 Safety, Culture and Climate
We create and nurture a welcoming and inclusive learning community where every individual student feels safe, valued, connected, known, and seen.
Long Term Objective: Students, families and staff feel a sense of physical and psychological safety and belonging in our school community.
Strategy 3.1 Physical and Mental Well Being: Every school will foster a school community where each member, students and staff, feel safe, valued, and connected.
District Plan of Action
Prioritize safety and health in all physical facilities investments and future planning, including safe spaces for student and staff gatherings.
Maintain and strengthen relationships with culturally responsive community health and safety partners.
SROs/Law Enforcement
City and County Government partnerships
- Washington County Public Health
Safe Oregon
Implement Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Programs at elementary, middle and high school levels as part of the core, Tier I programs.
- Continued intentional focus on addressing and reducing hate speech and bias incidents across the K-12 continuum as required in Board Policy ACB.
- Strengthen implementation of PAX Behavior Game in all elementary schools.
- Intentional focus on the responsible use of school and personal technology and social media at the middle and secondary school levels.
Develop an Integrated Systems Framework to integrate mental health plans to align with the MTSS/PBIS systems in our schools. This is accomplished through the inclusion of a broader range of partners, a wider scope of data, and the expansion of interventions to address internalizing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and trauma.
Provide staff with training aligned to District priorities
Anti Bias training for all staff using Equity Moves protocols and processes
- Culturally and Community Responsive Educational training
Implement, monitor and adjust culturally responsive Positive Behavior Intervention Support System (PBIS) at all K-12 schools.
Implement Tier I, CORE Social Emotional Learning programs at all K-12 schools.
Provide staff with training aligned to District priorities
- Anti Bias training for all staff using Equity Moves protocols and processes
- Culturally and Community Responsive Educational training
Implementation Evidence
District Long Range Facilities Planning Report
- Minutes of the Annual District Budget Committee meeting outlining district investments.
- Tiers of Fidelity Inventory (TFI) for PBIS: All schools will score 70% or higher on Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.
- E.A.S.H. Plans and CIPs Equity Pillar Initiatives
Annual Start Strong Student survey/State Student Health Survey
- Annual Teacher Upbeat survey
Employee Absence reporting system
Annual SRO Community Report
Annual Educational Equity Advisory Committee report on the impact of EASH school plans.
2027 Outcomes
- 80% of all K-12 students will attend school regularly.
The percent of students reporting hate and bias acts will decrease to 1%.
- The percent of 8th grade students reporting anxiety will decrease to 10% or less.
The percent of 11th grade students reporting anxiety will decrease to 20% or less.
- The percent of 8th grade students reporting depression will decrease to 10% or less.
The percent of 11th grade students reporting depression will decrease to 20% or less.
- The percent of students who are able to identify a safe adult at school will increase to 90%
- The percent of overall staff attendance will increase to 95%
The percent of teachers who report being supported by their school community will increase to 75%
The percent of teachers who report they are able to successfully manage stress will increase to 75%
Strategy 3.2 District Communication - The District will develop a communication plan dedicated to engaging and educating families focused on key student transitions (K-1, 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, graduation) to emphasize priorities for students on the pathway to college and career readiness.
District Plan of Action
Create a district-wide communication committee with inclusive representation of staff and students to review, provide feedback, and contribute to the district's annual communication & marketing goals.
Create and implement an annual multi-tiered communication and marketing plan with dedicated efforts focused on identified student transitions.
- Dedicate and promote standing sections on district and school websites and in district and school newsletters focused on the importance of the key student transitions (K-1, 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, graduation) with resources and updated information and actions for student support and success e.g. attendance, what to ask teachers re student achievement, educational support, etc.
- Implementation Evidence
- Observational Data
Communication artifacts, e.g. staff, parent, community newsletters, videos, district website
- Parent, staff, and student (district-wide and individual school community) communication surveys.
80% of parents can speak to the use and importance of academic dashboards.
80% of parents report understanding their students’ current academic progress and educational growth plan.
- Observational Data
- 2027 Outcomes
- In a yearly survey, 80% of responding parents will indicate the information provided by the district helped them support their student’s learning.
80% or more teachers and administrators surveyed express a higher level of engagement by parents in their students’ academic experience.
Strategy 3.3 Community Engagement: District communication and community engagement activities support the district priorities and are tailored to the needs of the community.
District Plan of Action
The district will perform an annual equity audit as required in Board Policy ACC to engage and receive feedback from staff, students, families, and community members about the health of our investments and programs as well as identify equity gaps in practice, implementation, and experience.
Each School and district department will engage with staff, students, families, and community about the high leverage strategies used to meet the goal of educating every student.
Student, parent and staff affinity group meetings, e.g. TAG, SpEd, students, families and staff of Color, LGBTQ2SIA+
The district will convene inclusive representation of staff, students, families, and community members in decision making relative to
Fiscal Oversight, e.g. annual budget, Student Investment Account, State Integrated Guidance funding
- Long Range Facilities Planning and Investments
- Schools and Attendance Boundaries
Community partnerships, e.g. fields, community development
State of the District Community Forums
District Student Achievement
Safety, Climate and Culture
Future visioning and forecast
- Implementation Evidence
- Student, staff, community perception data gathered from annual equity audit and school participant surveys as outlined in District Action b.i..
- School Comprehensive Improvement Plan (CIP) student academic outcomes.
School E.A.S.H. plan implementation and outcomes in the form of staff and student training artifacts, evidence of practice and impact.
Survey feedback from constituents who participate in community engagement activities as outlined in District Action C. i-ii
- 2027 Outcomes
- 80% of students, staff, families and community members surveyed acknowledges the district demonstrates practice of inclusive convening for all system-wide decision making and impacts.
80% of students, staff, families and community members surveyed have knowledge of district practices of engagement in decision making.
80% of constituents surveyed report trust in district transparency.