Matters Permitted for Executive Session
ORS 192.620 The Oregon form of government requires an informed public aware of the deliberations and decisions of governing bodies and the information upon which such decisions were made. It is the intent of ORS 192.610 to 192.690 that decisions of governing bodies be arrived at openly. However, a school board may hold an Executive Session, which excludes the public after the Board Chair has identified one or more of the following reasons:
As per ORS 332.061
(1) Any hearing held by a district school board or its hearings officer on any of the following matters shall be conducted in executive session of the board or privately by the hearings
officer unless the student or the student’s parent or guardian requests a public hearing:
(a) Expulsion of a minor student from a public elementary or secondary school.
(b) Matters pertaining to or examination of the confidential medical records of a student, including that student’s educational program.
As per ORS 192.660
(2) The governing body of a public body may hold an executive session:
(a) To consider the employment of a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent.
(b) To consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent who does not
request an open hearing.
(c) To consider matters pertaining to the function of the medical staff of a public hospital licensed pursuant to ORS 441.015 to 441.063, 441.085, 441.087 and 441.990 (3)
including, but not limited to, all clinical committees, executive, credentials, utilization review, peer review committees and all other matters relating to medical competency in
the hospital.
(d) To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to carry on labor negotiations.
(e) To conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing body to negotiate real property transactions.
(f) To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection.
(g) To consider preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce in which the governing body is in competition with governing bodies in other states or nations.
(h) To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed.
(i) To review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does
not request an open hearing.
(j) To carry on negotiations under ORS chapter 293 with private persons or businesses regarding proposed acquisition, exchange or liquidation of public investments.
(3) Labor negotiations shall be conducted in open meetings unless both sides of the negotiators request that negotiations be conducted in executive session. Labor negotiations
conducted in executive session are not subject to the notification requirements of ORS 192.640.
(4) Representatives of the news media shall be allowed to attend executive sessions other than those held under subsection (2)(d) of this section relating to labor negotiations or
executive session held pursuant to ORS 332.061 (2) but the governing body may require that specified information subject of the executive session be undisclosed.
(5) When a governing body convenes an executive session under subsection (2)(h) of this section relating to conferring with counsel on current litigation or litigation likely to be filed,
the governing body shall bar any member of the news media from attending the executive session if the member of the news media is a party to the litigation or is an employee,
agent or contractor of a news media organization that is a party to the litigation.
(6) No executive session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision.
(7) The exception granted by subsection (2)(a) of this section does not apply to:
(a) The filling of a vacancy in an elective office.
(b) The filling of a vacancy on any public committee, commission or other advisory group.
(c) The consideration of general employment policies.
(d) The employment of the chief executive officer, other public officers, employees and staff members of a public body unless:
(A) The public body has advertised the vacancy;
(B) The public body has adopted regular hiring procedures;
(C) In the case of an officer, the public has had the opportunity to comment on the employment of the officer; and
(D) In the case of a chief executive officer, the governing body has adopted hiring standards, criteria and policy directives in meetings open to the public in which the public has had
the opportunity to comment on the standards, criteria and policy directives.
(8) A governing body may not use an executive session for purposes of evaluating a chief executive officer or other officer, employee or staff member to conduct a general evaluation of
an agency goal, objective or operation or any directive to personnel concerning agency goals, objectives, operations or programs.