Welcome and Safe
We are focused on equity and excellence for all students.
We believe all students can learn at the highest levels. We are committed to providing equitable access to all programs. Our teachers have high expectations for every student and maintain classroom environments that support each student in achieving those high expectations.
Climate and Culture
We create and nurture a school community where every individual feels safe, valued, and connected.
Our commitment is to maintain a trauma-informed, respectful, and rigorous learning environment for every student, every day. All Tigard-Tualatin students will attend a school where they feel physically and emotionally safe and respected. Our policies mandate no discrimination or harassment for our students, families, or employees. Staff shall be trained on how to identify, address, and respond to incidents of bias, harassment, or hate aligned to policies.
Student Safety
We follow state and federal guidelines in protecting student information.
Tigard-Tualatin – and all public schools – are obligated to enroll all students regardless of their immigration status.
- We protect student information.
- We do not collect information about student immigration status and do not keep copies of birth certificates when students register for school.
- Student records are confidential and protected by U.S. law.
- The district cannot disclose student records without parental consent or unless the request meets one of the exceptions to the Federal Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA).
We enroll and educate all students regardless of status and without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or immigration status.
- In TTSD, we enforce all policies adopted under state and federal law.
- The United States Supreme Court held that children, regardless of their immigration status or that of their parents or guardians, have a constitutional right to receive a free public K-12 education (Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)).
- We prioritize the physical safety and emotional well-being of all our students and their families and do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or bullying.
- District personnel are forbidden from using public resources to enforce federal immigration laws, pursuant to ORS 181A.826 (1), which specifies:
- “Public facilities, property, moneys, equipment, technology or personnel may not be used for the purpose of investigating, detecting, apprehending, arresting, detaining or holding individuals for immigration enforcement;”
Law Enforcement
- We provide safeguards when law enforcement requests access to students. Except in cases of suspected child abuse, a TTSD school administrator will ask to be present whenever law enforcement officials seek to speak to a student at school or during a school activity and an effort will be made to notify the student's parents.
- A student cannot be taken from school without a court order, police arrest, protective custody order, or permission from the parent or guardian. If federal or state officials are involved in removing a student from school, the School Resource Officer will be called.
- School Resource Officers, aligned with an extensive community engagement process, have developed a scope of work that prioritizes development of trusting relationships with historically underserved students.