Tualatin Elementary Dashboard
In our commitment to informing our community, we have created the following Academic Assessment Dashboard for Tualatin Elementary School. This dashboard is a summary of the overall performance as of winter 2023 assessments for Tualatin Elementary School students in grades kindergarten through 5th grade. These assessments are focused on literacy and math skills and knowledge. We also track attendance as we know students are most successful when they are in school daily.
Posted below is a detailed report of the 2022-23 data compared to 2021 and the collective scores for years 2017 through 2021. Teachers and administrators are using this data to create collective and individual instructional plans that are dedicated to addressing lost learning from the pandemic and closing the achievement gaps for every student.
Academic Dashboards will be updated in late spring.
LiteracyGoal: 62%
MathGoal: 50%
Key Terms
Attendance (Regular Attenders) = Percentage of Students Attending More than 90% of the Time (K-12).
Math = Percentage of Students On-Grade Level (K-8) based on I-Ready Assesment.
Literacy = Perncentage of Students On-Grade Level (K-8) based on I-Ready Assesment.